Build it.
It’s not about substituting in-person practices into a virtual course, it’s about leveraging the advantages of the technology to make online classes a better learning experience.
Monopolize on the advantages
Building a synchronous-online course from an in-person course requires creativity, especially in how students can participate. This video shows a few techniques that I used in building my courses that value student voice and their choice in how to use that voice.
Use group work differently
Everything about online teaching requires educators to think differently. Breakout rooms are an example of how to think differently. In this video, I describe a structure to support educators in determining how to use gradual release to give students more voice and ownership in their class.
Speak differently
This is just one example of how I value student voice, in a variety of modalities: breakout rooms, voice, text box, and video. This is especially important for English language learners because I am accessing all 4 dimensions of literacy: listening, speaking, reading & writing.
Interact differently
Students will both give and receive information from each other when learning. In an online class, I implement virtual gallery walks in a purposeful way that includes student feedback.
Create differently
I have many additional videos to support teachers in creating online classes…differently. Everything from supporting
English Language Learners
Graphic organizers
Classroom management & accountability
Strategies for multiple subject areas
Special strategies for K-2 students
Rich Mathematics Tasks & routines
Special strategies for College & University students
Creating opportunities for student voice and choice
Math workshop
Math coaching
Special strategies for more participation
Give ownership
Student Led Slides are a great way for students to take ownership and use their voice in different ways.
Participate differently
Students can share ideas, connect with each other, and agree with shared statements using different techniques in an online class.
Give visibility to ALL students
The biggest advantage of synchronous online courses is the ability to see each and every student’s thinking simultaneously. I modified dozens of math routines from face-to-face classrooms to give more student voice in the online classroom.
Plan differently
Great online teachers think about the advantages that the technology gives the learner. I am purposeful when considering how an activity will unfold. I aim to honor student voice and student choice.
Play differently
Mathematics teaching typically includes many games, and these games require collaboration between players, randomization of decks, dice, and spinners, and hidden player hands. I’ve created many games in collaboration with to bring the joy of games into online courses.