Manage it.
Online instructors use many behind-the-scenes planning in order to manage a class.
Managing an online course begins with ease of use. In my courses, I begin by creating a banner that uses the image of the textbook. This helps students to quickly identify their course from the sea of other courses, and also reminds them of their reading assignments.
Manage Talk Time
Just like in-person courses, it can be challenging to manage student talk time with instructor talk time. One advantage to online learning though, is that you can use simultaneous tools like google slides to implement dynamic math talk.
Manage your workspace
Staggering windows is one way to ensure that you can view all the windows and tabs that are necessary for a smooth class.
Manage Expectations
Students come to my online class with years of learning experience and varied expectations. I manage clear expectations by explicitly stating rules, norms, and participation guidelines.
Crowd source for FAQ’s
I use a Virtual Parking Lot in each of my class slide decks. This predictable FAQ slide is always placed at the very end of the slideshow and gives students a place to ask questions, and also to answer others’ questions. It saves me time, gives ownership to my students, and a reference slide to refer back to.
Teaching Vitae
Theresa Wills
Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education
George Mason University
4400 University Drive, 1E8
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
Phone: 703-993-6215
Ph.D., May 2015
Specialization in Mathematics Education Leadership
George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia
M.Ed., May 2007
Education Leadership Specialization in Mathematics Education Leadership
George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia
B.S., May 2004
Major: Mathematics Concentrations: Education, Computer Science
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia
Assistant Professor, Mathematics Education (Fall 2016 - Present)
College of Education & Human Development, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia
Adjunct Professor, Mathematics Education (Summer 2007 - Fall 2015)
College of Education & Human Development, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia
(Modalities are identified within each course. F2F: traditional face-to-face; Online: 100% synchronous online; Hi-flex: Some students are attending virtually and some in person at the same class time; Hybrid: Some class time is synchronous online and other class time is traditional face-to-face; Online & F2F: this course has been taught multiple times in 100% synchronous online settings, and other times in 100% F2F settings.)
Mathematics Education Leadership; George Mason University
MATH 600 - COMPLETE Math – Rational Numbers for Math Specialists (F2F)
MATH 600 - Mathematical Models in the Middle School (F2F)
MATH 600 - Rational Numbers and Proportional Reasoning for K-8 Teachers (F2F)
MATH 610 – Number and Number Sense for K-8 Teachers (Online & F2F)
MATH 611 - Geometry and Measurement for K-8 Teachers (online)
MATH 612 – Probability and Statistics for K-8 Teachers (Online & F2F)
MATH 613 - Algebra/Functions for K-8 Teachers (Online & F2F)
MATH 614 - Rational Numbers for K-8 Teachers (Online & F2F)
EDCI 644 - Mathematics Learning and Assessment (K-8) (Online)
EDCI 645 - Curriculum Development in Mathematics Education (Online & F2F)
EDCI 646 - Mathematics Education Leadership for School Change (Online)
EDCI 666 – Mathematics Education Research (Online)
EDCI 702 - Internship in Mathematics Education Leadership (Online)
EDCI 859 - Current Issues in Mathematics (Hi-flex)
Elementary Education; George Mason University
EDCI 547 - Integrating Technology in Elementary Classrooms: Mathematics (Hybrid)
EDCI 552 - Mathematics Methods for the Elementary Classroom (F2F)
ELED 552 - Mathematics Methods for the Elementary Classroom (Online)
Secondary Education; George Mason University
SEED 572 - Methods of Teaching Mathematics in the Secondary School (Online)
SEED 672 - Advanced Methods of Teaching Mathematics in the Secondary School (Hi-flex)
EDCI 472 - Advanced Methods of Teaching Mathematics in the Secondary School (F2F)
EDCI 672 - Advanced Methods of Teaching Mathematics in the Secondary School (F2F)
Fast Train Program for International Studies in Education; George Mason University
EDUC 513 - Teaching Mathematics in International Settings (F2F)
Teach For America; George Mason University
EDCI 552 - Mathematics Methods for the Elementary Classroom (F2F)
Algebra and AFDA Teachers and Leaders; University of Virginia
21st Century Algebra
Course Designer for Accreditation, 2016 - 2017
George Mason University
● Designed rubrics to meet CAEP standards.
● Designed Project Based Assessments for five courses to meet CAEP standards.
Course Curriculum Designer, 2012
University of Virginia
● Gathered resources and represented middle school math teachers on a panel of curriculum designers for the Probability and Statistics course for Math Specialists.
Curriculum Designer, 2010-2012
Alexandria City Public Schools
● Created and designed the curriculum used for middle school mathematics (6-8).
Virginia Department of Education - $198,528.00
Awarded to create - a teaching resource created by teachers.
CEHD Seed Innovations Grant for middle grades mathematics program - $9,186.50
Awarded to begin a new middle grades mathematics program at George Mason University.
Wills, T. (2021, June). Teaching math at a distance. Arkansas department of education summit. Virtual.
Wills, T. (2021, June). Reimagining face-to-face and remote instruction. Illinois council of teachers of mathematics annual conference. Virtual.
Wills, T. (2021, April). Teaching math at a distance: reimagining face-to-face and online teaching. Minnesota council of teachers of mathematics annual conference. Virtual
Wills, T. (2021, March). Math routines reimagined for the remote classroom. Delaware council of mathematics leaders annual conference. Virtual.
Wills, T. (2021, February). Keynote: Teaching math at a distance. CPM Annual Conference. Virtual.
Wills, T. (2021, February). Rich mathematical tasks with virtual representations. CPM Annual Conference. Virtual.
Wills, T. (2021, February). Teaching math at a distance. Learning and the brain annual conference. Virtual.
Wills, T. (2021, January). An interactive webinar with the author of teaching math at a distance. National council of teachers of mathematics webinar. Virtual.
Wills, T. (2021, January). Best practices for teaching math at a distance. Georgia supervisors of mathematics annual conference. Virtual.
Wills, T. (2021, January). Keynote: Teaching at a distance. Region four Texas annual conference. Virtual.
Wills, T. (2021, January). Math routines reimagined for the remote classroom. Region four Texas annual conference. Virtual.
Wills, T. (2021, January). Math routines reimagined for the remote classroom. EPIC 21 annual conference. Virtual.
Wills, T. (2020, October). Flipped session panel of speakers focused on equity in mathematics. Association of state supervisors of mathematics annual conference. Virtual.
Wills, T. (2020, October). Increasing collaboration, interaction, and student voice. Saddleback webinar series. Retrieved from:
Wills, T. (2020, August). Keynote: Synchronous online teaching strategies. Montana council of teachers of mathematics annual conference. Virtual.
Dykema, K., Nguyen, F., Wills, T., Champagne, Z., Towle, S., & Berry, M. (2020, July). What should math learning look like when we get back to school? Webinar series: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 100 days of professional learning, Virtual.
Wills, T. (2020, April) Synchronous online classrooms that don’t compromise great pedagogy. Presented at the 31st International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Virtual.
Wills, T. (2020, April) Maximizing student voice in a synchronous online classroom. Presented at the 31st International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Virtual.
Wills, T. (2020, April) Strategies to make your synchronous online classroom better than F2F. Presented at the 31st International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Virtual.
In addition to the invited & keynote conferences, I have spoken at hundreds of other conferences and school division workshops. A full list can be viewed at:
Wills, T. (2021). Teaching math at a distance: A practical guide to rich remote instruction. Corwin.
Wills, T., Crawford, D., Roscioli, K., & Sanghavi, S. (2021). Mathematical Representations in a Synchronous Online Mathematics Specialist Preparation Program, Journal of Mathematics and Science: Collaborative Explorations: Vol. 17 : No. 1 , Article 9. Available at:
Wills, T. (2020). Online math discourse: Can the five practices work? Corwin Connect. Retrieved from: on 05/23/2020.
Rawding, M. & Wills, T. (2019). Discourse: simple moves that work. In The best of TCM, MTMS, and MT on questions, discourse, and evidence. Reston, VA: NCTM.
Wills T. & Rawding M. (2019). Positive & productive coaching: An interview protocol and systematic approach for creating coaching goals. NCSM Journal 20(1), 3-9.
Wills, T. (2019). Cultivating school communities with vertical mathematics tasks. Virginia Mathematics Teacher 45(2), 43-47.
Baker, C. K., Bitto, L., Wills, T., Galanti, T. M., & Eatmon, C. (2018). Developing teacher leaders through self-study: A mathematics education field experience. In Hodges, T. E., & Baum, A. (Eds.). Handbook of Research on Teacher Education (pp. 635-658). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Wills, T. (2015). Use of strategy maps and virtual coaching: A case study of a teacher’s development of connections in middle grades mathematics. Doctoral Dissertation, George Mason University. Dissertation chair: Dr. Jennifer Suh.
Baker, C.K. & Wills, T. (2012). Have you used a glog yet? Teaching Children Mathematics, 19(5), 324-327.
Rawding, M. & Wills, T. (2012). Discourse: simple moves that work. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 18(1), 47-51.
Suh, J.M., Seshaiyer, P., Leong, K., Freeman, P., Corcoran, M., Meints, K., & Wills, T. (November, 2012). Fostering Strategic Competence for Teachers through Modeling Rational Numbers Problem Tasks. In Van Zoest, L. R., Lo, J.H., & Kratky, J.L.(Eds.). Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (pp. 474-481). Kalamazoo, MI.
Wills, T. & Rothermel, M.R.(2011). Ten strategies for maximizing opportunity with instructional coaching. Virginia Mathematics Teacher. 38(1), 29-31.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics - Professional Development Committee (2022 - present).
Virginia Council of Teachers of Mathematics - Annual Conference Coordinator (2020 - present).
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